A conversation to better understand the reality of people living in Just Transition regions in Greece. What is the history of the Just Transition in Greece? What are some of the good practices
for empowering local communities? 2023
On this episode of the EUTeens4Green podcast we speak to a project from Greece 'The Green Gate of Transition'. Listen to find out about their motivations, their project and why they are involved
in EUTeens4Green. 2023
Empowering Youth for a Greener Tomorrow. Episode 7 of the Podcast: "On Climate And Law" - The role of the youth in the just transition. Youth and Environment Europe (YEE). 2024
Pioneers Post Global Perspectives podcast "Maths, science, literature… social enterprise?". 2018
Συνέντευξη για τον Οικονομικό Αλφαβητισμό, στον 6ο Τεύχος του Περιοδικού για την Οικονομική Επιστήμη στη Δευτεροβάθμια Εκπαίδευση "ΞΕΝΟΦΩΝ" . 2021
Όλα τα τεύχη του Περιοδικού ΞΕΝΟΦΩΝ είναι διαθέσιμα για αγορά εδώ.
Συνέντευξη στο περιοδικό "Together" για την Νεολαία, Ευρώπη και την Κοινωνία των Πολιτών. 2019
The entrepreneurial mindset as a key factor for youth employability and youth entrepreneurship and the role of Youth Work in Europe. 2023.
Economic Benefits and Challenges: Funding Tertiary Education for Economic Development in Greece. 2023
Skills Clubs - Activities Manual Youth Skills for the 21st Century. 2022
Measuring the impact of Socio-Economic Factors on school's Technical Efficiency. 2019
Economic Recession, Austerity and Gender Inequality at Work. Evidence from Greece and Other Balkan Countries. 2015
Explaining the Efficiency Differences in Primary School Education using Data Envelopment Analysis. 2015
Competences and Entrepreneurial Intentions of students in Primary Education. 2014